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"I had a session with Ioana for fear of spiders and bugs. In hypnosis we uncovered the underlying beliefs that caused the phobia and I was able to let them go. The audio recording she gave me helped me reinforce my new, positive beliefs and further reduce my fears. I am definitely more relaxed now in typical situations where I might encounter spiders or bugs and able to finally enjoy nature without looking for them all the time 🙂
I highly recommend working with Ioana and I would definitely contact her again to work on other issues."

"When I reached for help, I was experiencing decreased interest in sexual activity, my relationship was falling apart. I had the immense opportunity to get to work with Ioana. During the RTT session, I felt totally comfortable and safe while she was guiding me towards the root cause of the issue. I understood the beliefs that I have formed and were stopping me and blocking me to enjoy my sexuality.
As she recommended, I listened for the transformational recording for 21 days, and the first signs of transformation showed up after 15 days, resistance was replaced by desire and curiosity. My relationship is better than ever before. Thank you for dedication and coaching me along the 21 days .
My gratitude and admiration for a therapist extremely skilled and Impressively Genuine.
I recommend Ioana, first because of the changes i am experiencing and second, her generosity it is unmeasurable. She has a unique approach as a Hypnotherapist , one of a kind.”

M. came to me feeling very attached to a past relationship, feeling guilty ang believing He should have done more! This is his testimonial:
"I have decided to set myself free from the past, to interrupt the pattern of running away every time things got difficult in my relationships. When Ioana told me about RTT, I decided to be open and try it. I had the session, received the recording which I listened to for the whole 21 days. I must admit that I was not 100% it was going to work. As the days passed I noticed I felt better, more confident, at peace with the past, optimistic about the future and MOST IMPORTANTLY, I stopped running away when things got uncomfortable in my relationship.
I truly recommend RTT with Ioana if you want rapid changes. GIVE IT A CHANCE!

Am cautat-o pe Ioana pentru ca ma simteam pierduta dupa o despartire dureroasa de persoana
iubita. Chiar de la prima discutie cu Ioana, si-a dat seama ca am o stima de sine scazuta, ca nu
ma iubesc suficient si nu am incredere in mine. In timpul sesiunii, Ioana m-a ghidat, m-a sustinut
sa inteleg cauza, motivul pentru care mi-am pierdut increderea in mine si mi-a aratat ca perceptia
mea, acea intamplare din copilarie care m-a determinat sa formez convingerea ca nu merit, nu
sunt importanta, valoaroasa, nu-mi mai foloseste si ca pot decide ma iubesc mai mult, sa am o
stima de sine crescuta si sa consider ca este dreptul meu sa fiu iubita, apreciata.
Am inteles ca nu ma iubeam suficient, dar acum aleg sa ma pretuiesc, sa ma reconsider, sa ma
restimez si sa fiu importanta pentru mine.
O recomand pe Ioana pentru puterea de empatie crescuta, pentru capacitatea de a simti oamenii si
de a-I ajuta sa se redescopere, sa se reconecteze cu ei insisi. Ioana a vazut f clar care este
problema si m-a ajutat sa inteleg cauza ei, in asa fel incat sa ma vindec si sa pot deveni cea mai
buna versiune a mea.

Nu puteam să mă concentrez sa învăț pentru bac și simțeam că nu fac față volumului mare de materie pe care trebuia să-l memorez. După ce am ascultat înregistrarea mai multe zile am observat ca mă simțeam mult mai relaxată și aveam energie și motivație să învăț. O recomand pe Ioana persoanelor care se confruntă cu stres, lipsă de energie sau motivație.